Odisha Govt Issues Heat Wave Advisory to All Health Facilities

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Government has issued an advisory to the district public health authorities asking them to be prepared to deal with heat stress disorders.

The Odisha Directorate of Public Health wrote to the Superintendents of government medical colleges and hospitals, Chief District Medical & Public Health Officers and health officers of municipalities regarding the advisory.

It directed health authorities to plan preventive as well as curative measures to minimize morbidity and mortality in the community.

“Heat wave changes usually occur from April-June in our state. Currently, the temperature has started rising in the last week of February, at different places across the state. As you are aware that heat wave changes may cause heat stress disorders like heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, heat cramp, heat rash, etc…. the district authority needs to plan preventive and curative measures to reduce morbidity and mortality in the community,” the letter reads.

Every district has been directed to prepare a comprehensive action plan and send a copy of the same to the Directorate of Public Health. The District Headquarters Hospitals (DHHs) have been directed to submit the status of the stock of medicines along with details of quantity in all the health institutions.

The health facilities have been advised to ensure an adequate supply of ORS packets and other drugs.

The hospitals have also been directed to provide details on the number of beds, air coolers/air-conditioner rooms, refrigerators and deep-freezers in working condition, and telephones.

The Government has advised all the hospitals to ensure that their control rooms are functional round the clock from today till July 15.

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