Odisha Govt Launches Mobile App to Empower Fisherfolks

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Government has come up with a unique mobile application to empower the fisherfolks by providing them real-time information, insights, and analytics to contribute to their livelihood.

The State Fisheries and ARD Department, in joint collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in India has launched the “Secure Fishing App”.

The mobile app was launched at an event here presided over by Agriculture Minister Ranendra Pratap Swain.

“We are very excited about this partnership with the World Food Programme. The Secure Fishing application is focused on the coastal fishing communities for improving their safety, resilience and daily catch as they are among the most vulnerable groups.” said Ranendra Pratap Swain, Minister, Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, and Fisheries & Animal Resources Development.

“It is a fact that climate variabilities are adding further uncertainties to the nutritional and food security challenges for fisherfolks. This is a strategic partnership that will directly contribute to strengthening resilience using knowledge and technology while securing a livelihood,” said Bishow Parajuli, Representative and Country Director for WFP in India.

“Secure Fishing” application is being implemented as a pilot in Paradeep and will subsequently be extended to the marine fishers in the State. The context-specific functionality of the application will help the fisherfolk save their life and assets and improve their livelihoods,” said Suresh Kumar Vashishth Secretary, Fisheries & Animal Resources Development Department.
Secure fishing is a dynamic application for the fishing community and a web-based dashboard for use by Government officials to track fishery sector activities. It intends to meet through informed decisions and the holistic needs of marine fishers.

The app provides fishers with access to critical and near real-time tailored climate and ocean state information services. This reduces fishers’ vulnerabilities, increases their income and helps to achieve their food security.

Fisheries and aquaculture play a major role in multiplying farmers’ incomes, enhancing livelihoods, creating gainful employment, providing nutritional security and contributing to export earnings in the State. The government of Odisha has kept a high priority on the fisheries sector and placed the fisheries & aquaculture sector as one of the growth propellers for over 15.89 Lakh fishermen including farmers, women SHGs, youths and entrepreneurs, he added.

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