Online art galleries: The recent innovation for the artists community

New Delhi: The world of artists has always included art galleries in it. People used to travel far to see actual exhibitions in galleries. In contrast, virtual exhibitions have become the new standard as a result of the global pandemic. Online art galleries were created as a result of art galleries following suit.

With the advent of both physical and online galleries, art enthusiasts can now experience the complexity of creativity. Virtual art galleries are advantageous in this situation in a number of ways according to Manya Roongta and Krish Nawal, Founders of Children’s Art Museum of India.

An innovative way for artists to showcase their work

Amid the pandemic-induced lockdown and social distancing norms, museums and galleries had to hit the pause button. The artists had to come up with innovative ways to showcase their work. During this time, digitisation came as a blessing in disguise. The artist community suffered a setback but was able to revive it with the assistance of online art galleries. It is due to them that people have been able to pursue their love for art despite the restrictions.

Foster a hybrid culture

As normalcy gradually returned, art galleries started opening up while adhering to the Covid-19 protocols. However, virtual galleries did not lose their charm. Neither have they nor will they replace the physical galleries. However, they have been growing more than ever before and have fostered a hybrid culture where both physical and online galleries coexist. Admiring art is a personal experience. Today, audiences can witness creativity not only physically but also virtually if they wish to.

Meet the growing demand

In today’s modern world, not only mature art enthusiasts but even millennials are inclined to pursue their love for art. Whether it is revamping their homes or decorating their workspaces, they prefer to go for creative pieces. Due to this, the demand for art is growing further, and virtual art galleries are helping fulfill the same.

Enhanced customer engagement

Of course, by physically visiting the galleries, the audience can have a closer and deeper look at the masterpiece. However, online galleries are not far behind. They enable audiences to cherish the aesthetics from different angles. Leveraging the power of technology, online art galleries allow 360-degree view and 3D realistic models of the artwork through virtual tours. Audiences can zoom, rotate, see animated add-ons, and much more with the online setup.

Surpass geographical barriers

Virtual galleries do not require a physical location. For the artists, they allow flexibility and are a cost-efficient way of renting a physical space to display art at zero cost. In fact, you can also have a global presence and share your creativity with the world. You won’t be restricted to a particular area and can reach a larger audience, eventually boosting sales.

Virtual art galleries have not only helped the artist community to thrive during these testing times but have also helped in bridging the physical-digital gap. Embracing their love for art from their homes’ comfort zones, the audience can engage better with the aesthetically crafted pieces at their convenience with the help of technology and virtual tours. Online art galleries have proven to be a boon as they are relieved from the additional costs and the hassle of on-ground management. Even though they are a new trend, online art galleries have significantly impacted the artist community and brought many benefits to the table for both the audience and the creator.


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