PTI clueless on survival strategy

Islamabad: In the post May 9 situation, the PTI has no strategy for its revival. The party is clueless about what to do except adopt the policy of wait and see, media reports said.

Those PTI leaders, who have not yet deserted because most of them are hiding, believe that minus Imran Khan will mean minus PTI, The News reported.

In a party meeting of such “trusted” leaders, attended via Zoom, Imran Khan was told that he should not concede to any minus one formula. A PTI source, who attended the meeting, said the party’s Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi was not among the participants of the Zoom gathering, The News reported.

When asked why Qureshi was missing from the meeting, the source laughingly said that only the ideological leaders attended the discussion.

“Let them minus the entire PTI, we will not accept minus Imran Khan” the meeting unanimously told Khan, adding that they will not accept any minus Imran Khan formula. If they want to minus Imran Khan, let them minus the entire PTI, said the source, The News reported.

Imran Khan was also of the view that no one except him and the PTI could help lead the country out of the present economic quagmire. Referring to the trust of overseas Pakistanis in him, he said that he could ensure investments of billions of dollars once come into power. They (overseas Pakistanis) will never trust the PDM leaders and their government.

The party source said that Imran Khan while appreciating those who are still standing by his side, told the party leaders that his wife – Bushra Bibi – also supported him and stayed as solid as a rock, The News reported.

Discussion with the PTI’s insider, however, shows that the party is devoid of any strategy to get out of the present crisis. Wait and see is the only policy. The PTI and its chairman, who has been fond of street protests and long marches in the past, also realise that the May 9 events have seriously dented the party, leaving hardly any space to mobilise its supporters.

Dozens of the party leaders have already left the PTI, several are behind bars whereas many are hiding. There is no clarity on how long those hiding will continue to hide, The News reported.



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