Punjab, Bengal R-Day tableaux not aligned with theme: Defence Ministry

New Delhi: Facing criticism from Punjab, Delhi and West Bengal, the Ministry of Defence on Sunday clarified that their tableaux were not included in the Republic Day parade as they were not aligned with the broader themes of this year’s tableau.

Their criticism of tableau not being selected for the Republic Day parade is not objective and unfounded, it said in a statement.

Reacting to media reports, citing separate reactions from Punjab and West Bengal Chief Ministers, the Ministry of Defence said that “there is a well established system for selection of tableaux for participation in the Republic Day parade as per which the Ministry of Defence invites proposals for tableau from all states, Union Territories (UTs), Central ministries and departments.

“The tableaux proposals received are evaluated in a series of meetings of the expert committee for selection of tableaux comprising eminent persons in the field of art, culture, painting, sculpture, music, architecture, choreography, etc.

“The expert committee examines the proposals on the basis of theme, concept, design and its visual impact before making its recommendations. Due to time allotted for tableaux in the overall duration of the parade, shortlisting of tableaux is done by the expert committee which leads to participation of the best tableaux in the parade.”

For the Republic Day parade, 30 states and UTs had shown their willingness to participate in it, including Punjab and West Bengal.

Out of these 30 states and UTs, like every year, only 15-16 of them will be finally selected to present their tableaux in the Republic Day parade.

It said the tableau proposal of Punjab was considered in the first three rounds of the meeting of the expert committee. After the third round of meeting, the tableau could not be taken forward by the committee for further consideration for not aligning to the broader themes of this year’s tableau.

However, the tableau proposal of West Bengal was considered in the first two rounds of the meeting of the expert committee, it said.

After the second round of meeting, the tableau could not be taken forward for further consideration for not aligning to the broader themes of this year’s tableau.

In the past few years, the tableau of Punjab was shortlisted for the Republic Day parade six times in eight years from 2017 to 2022, while the tableau of West Bengal was selected five times in eight years — in 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 and in 2023.

As states have to be treated equally, it is essential that states should be given the opportunity to display their tableaus as per a formula, the Ministry of Defence clarified.

The Government of India is preparing a three-year programme covering all states and UTs which will be shared with all them. Hence, the criticism by these states is baseless, it said.

Moreover, the states and UTs not being selected for the Republic Day Parade are being invited to showcase their tableaux in Bharat Parv at Red Fort during January 23-31 in accordance with the MOU signed with the states and UTs, it added.


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