‘Rajasthan 2nd after J&K in Internet suspension’

Jaipur : Rajasthan ranks second after Jammu and Kashmir in connection with the suspension of Internet services over the law and order issue in the last 10 years.

According to the portal internetshutdown.in, India registered 643 Internet shutdown cases from 2012 to 2022. Out of these Jammu and Kashmir registered the highest 400 cases and Rajasthan was the second with 84.

Uttar Pradesh ranked third with 30 instances of Internet suspensions followed by Haryana which recorded 17 cases of shutdown.

West Bengal was in fifth position with a count of 13, Bihar had 11 such cases, Maharashtra 12, Gujarat 11, MP 8, Meghalaya 8 and Arunachal Pradesh had six such cases.

According to Access Now, a Non Government Organisation, “India suspended Internet services for 106 times in 2021 while there were 182 cases of Internet shutdown in the world in the same year.”


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