Special Flight With Eight Cheetahs From Namibia Arrive In Gwalior

New Delhi: The special cargo flight carrying eight Cheetahs from Namibia to Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh has arrived. The cheetahs will be taken to the Kuno National park in special helicopters where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release them as part of the Cheetah relocation program. The eight Namibian wild cheetahs include five females and three males.

Initially, on arrival, the cheetahs will be kept in small enclosures for a month and then shifted to a bigger enclosure before being released into the wild after acclimatization and familiarization with surroundings. The cheetahs have been brought under an agreement signed between the two nations earlier this year. Project Cheetah is the world’s first intercontinental large wild carnivore translocation project. India had declared Cheetah as extinct in 1952.

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