Trinamool demands unconditional apology from Amit Shah on Arjun Chaurasia’s death

Kolkata : Armed with the post-mortem report of Command hospital that described the reasons behind BJP youth activist Arjun Chaurasia’death as ante-mortem in nature, West Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress on Tuesday demanded an unconditional apology from Union Home Minister, Amit Shah for describing the death as murder before the autopsy.

In a hurriedly-called press conference, state Finance Minister, Chandrima Bhattacharya and state Women and Child Development minister, Dr Sashi Panja alleged that on May 6, Shah deliberately described the incident as a political murder.

“After all, he is the Union Home Minister. How could say that it was the case of a political murder even before the post mortem was conducted? Such irresponsible comments from the Union Home Cinister are not acceptable. He should tender an unconditional apology,” Panja said.

On Tuesday, the post mortem report was submitted to the Calcutta High Court’s division bench, headed by Chief Justice, Prakash Srivastava. The report mentioned that the reasons for the death were ante-mortem in nature and choking of windpipe due to hanging. Presence of lasso marks around his neck was also mentioned in the report.

The division bench ordered that the post-mortem report and other related documents be submitted to the special investigation report (SIT) of Kolkata Police. The report strengthens the theory of suicide as claimed by the ruling Trinamool Congress.

BJP leaders, however, maintained that the reason of death cannot be ascertained as suicide for sure unless the viscera report is available which will prove whether the victim was made intoxicated before being hanged.


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