Twitter brings ALT badge, improved image descriptions globally

San Francisco: In a bid to make it easy to add alt text to image uploads, micro-blogging site Twitter has announced that its new accessibility features, ALT badge and improved image descriptions, are now available globally.

The company said that image descriptions, also called alternative text, are an easy way to make Twitter accessible to people with disabilities.

“As promised, the ALT badge and exposed image descriptions go global today. Over the past month, we fixed bugs and gathered feedback from the limited release group. We are ready. You are ready,” as per Twitter’s Accessibility account.

The micro-blogging platform first announced changes were coming last month.

“Describing what’s in your images benefits people who are blind, have low vision, use assistive technology, live in low-bandwidth areas, or want more context,” the company said in a blogpost.

“Without descriptions, your readers won’t know what your images contain, or why they’re important. This missing information prevents people from engaging with your Tweet,” it added.


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