Two Surrendered Maoists Tie Nuptial Knot in Kalahandi

Bhubaneswar: In an inspiring story, two surrendered Maoists have tied the nuptial knot in Odisha’s Kalahandi district on Friday.

The marriage between two surrendered Maoists – Ramdas and Kalamdei was solemnized in Reserve Police premises in Bhawanipatna of Kalahandi District.

Rajesh Pandit, D.I.G of Police (SWR) Koraput attended as chief guest, Dr. Saravana Vivek M, S.P Kalahandi, Biblab Sarkar, Commandant CRPF 64th Bn and all senior Police officers of Kalahandi district were present.

Kesab Veladi @ Ramdas who was an ACM cadre surrendered before Kalahandi police on 18.02.2020 and was provided all rehabilitation benefits as per the Odisha Government’s Surrender and Rehabilitation policy. Kalamdei Majhi @ Gita surrendered with Kalahandi police on 05.01.2016 and was also rehabilitated.

Ramadas was given Rs. 3.98 lakhs and Kalamdei was given Rs. 2.98 lakhs as per the government’s rehabilitation policy. Both of them were given vocational training as per their choice, according to an official release.

Ramdas was a member of banned CPI (Maoists) KKBN division for almost nine years before surrendering to police. He was from a poor family from Bijepur district of Chhatisgarh. He has two sisters and one brother whom he did not meet for more than ten years till Kalahandi police facilitated their meeting after his surrender. During one such meeting Ramdas’s father’s cataract surgery was arranged by police and during his recovery both Ramdas’s and Kalamdei’s family met and decided to go ahead with their marriage. Kalamdei was also a member of BGN division of banned Maoists for almost a year before her surrender.

Knowing their desire to get married, initiative was taken by SP, Kalahandi under the guidance of DIG of Police (SWR) Koraput to arrange their marriage in the temple of Reserve Police Ground, Bhawanipatna. Marriage was solemnized on 22.04.2022 between Ramdas and Kalamdei Majhi in full fanfare by Kalahandi police and feast was organized by police at the temple premises where family members of bride and bridegroom participated along with police and media persons.

The members of Maoists are hereby appealed to shun the path of violence and to make use of Government of Odisha’s Surrender and Rehabilitation policy and come and surrender with police to come into mainstream.

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