US military biological activities warrant closest attention: Lavrov

Mosco: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has called for closest attention to the Pentagon’s military biological activities around the world.

There is “multiplying evidence of (the Pentagon’s) criminal experiments with the most dangerous pathogens in order to create biological weapons conducted under the guise of peaceful research,” read the article carried by the Izvestia newspaper.

“The Pentagon’s covert activities in Ukraine carried out through its Defence Threat Reduction Agency,” Xinhua news agency reported quoting Lavrov.

According to him, the traces that the Russian military has discovered in the military-biological labs in Donbass and adjacent areas clearly indicate that the Pentagon has directly violated the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC).

“We have presented the documents to Washington and to the UN Security Council. The procedure has been initiated under BTWC to demand explanations,” Lavrov wrote.

The US administration is trying to justify its actions by saying that all biological research in Ukraine was exclusively peaceful and civilian in nature, but there is no evidence of any of this, he said.



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