Video clip of sadhu enjoying divine presence listening to his song moves Sid Sriram

Chennai- Video clips of a sadhu enjoying a devotional song by singer Sid Sriram during a concert at the famous Kapaleeswarar temple and experiencing the presence of the divine, has left the singer moved beyond words.

Taking to Instagram to post the clips of the sadhu in a state of delight, the ace singer wrote, “I love singing at the Kapaleeswar Temple. Last night, when singing there, I felt such a deep resonance.

“Normally after my concerts, I post some clips of the musicians and I performing on stage. Today, I got sent some video clips of a siddha purusha experiencing the concert and dancing.

“These two clips had a profound impact on me. The perspective switch from performing on stage, to watching someone else immersed in the music with an abandon is special.

“Last night felt like a blessing and a personal reminder as to why I love doing this. Loved being on stage with Vidwans Sri S Varadarajan, Sri J Vaidhyanathan and Sri Ghatam Karthick.”


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