You’re more creative in coffee shops

“It triggers a stimuli response to get work done, which automatically makes you finish work faster. Since you are sitting at a place, not your home, you are less likely to procrastinate and finish up the work, you feel more focused regardless of the buzz of noise outside,” adds Sanjay.

Wondering why would you not go to the office instead? Well, blame the overall formal environment, strict schedule, and a fixed time to come and leave.

Sanjay says, “Coffee shops thus become the best of both worlds. A place where you can leave at your own leisure, work without being micro-managed, and have no distractions from your home.”

One can also look at the mellow sounds and buzz of restaurants similar to the role played by white noise. The same reason some people tend to plug in earphones or play white noise while sleeping, studying or doing chores.

When a group of people are working with their macs out, you tend to work in the same manner as well. You get the feel of a workplace that is not your home without the added burden of office.

The need to escape the dull 9-5 routine of doing the same things over and again in different forms and his desire to tackle real-world problems pushed Sanjay to leave his cushy corporate job and co-found GetOut, “This need to escape, take a break, and get a change of scenery can also be looked at as one of the biggest motivating factors to come and work from cafes. This breath of fresh air automatically relaxes making you more productive.”


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