Youths hurl shoes and slippers at each other in Patna water park

Patna : A bid to celebrate Holi in a water park in Patna took an ugly turn after a large number of youths there created a ruckus.

They threw shoes and slippers at each other on Thursday. The situation went beyond the control of the operators and the security personnel of the water park. Finally they used air guns to bring the situation under control.

The incident happened in Funtasia water park located at Sampatchak in Patna. It was triggered after a youth from one group threw a slipper at another youth who was in the water. Following that he also threw shoes at the youth in the water. Soon other people present in the water park also started throwing shoes and slippers at each other.

Eyewitnesses said that the youths on one side of the water park started throwing shoes and slippers towards the other side.

The operators of the water park warned them repeatedly on loud speakers to which they turned a deaf year. Finally, they used air guns and fired several shots in the air to make the youths calm down.

In the run up to Holi, the operators of water parks are giving lucrative offers and discounts to the visitors. Hence, a large number of people are attracted to the water parks to celebrate Holi.


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