Monsoon Session: Odisha Fin Min Tables CAG Report on Revenue Sector

Bhubaneswar: Odisha Finance Minister Niranjan Pujari today tabled the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India on State’s Revenue Sector for the financial year ended March 31, 2018. 

The report, on the trend of Revenue Receipts stated that “The percentage of revenue raised by the State Government to total revenue of the State increased from 41.58 per cent in 2016-17 to 42.60 per cent in 2017-18. The remaining 57.40 per cent was from Government of India.”

On the Tax Revenue, the audit report has mentioned, “Tax revenue accounted for was 32.77 per cent (Rs 27,913.80 crore) of the total revenue (Rs 85, 173.79 crore) of the State for the year 2017-18 over the previous year. The revenue under the heads – State Excise, Land Revenue and Taxes on Vehicles had increased.”

“The reduction in tax revenue under OVAT and ET was due to implementation of GST,” as Goods and Serivces Tax (GST) was implemented from July 1, 2017.

On the Non-Tax Revenue, the CAG Report has mentioned, “The non-tax revenue increased by 4.04 per cent during the year 2017-18 over the previous year. The increase was mainly due to rise in mining receipts (24.47 per cent). This was due to increase in collection of royalty on Iron and Chromite ore as compared to 2016-17.”

On the Stamp Duty and Registration Fee, the CAG Report has mentioned, “Stamp Duty and Registration Fee of Rs 115.69 lakh was short realized on registration of Agreement to Sale, Certificate of Sale and Conveyance deeds.”

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