Coronavirus Numbers May Witness A Downfall By Month End: Guleria

New Delhi: While the country is going through the toughest times fighting the Coronavirus pandemic, the question everybody is asking is when will it have the peak and when can we see a fall in the number of infections. India today is witnessing an unprecedented number of infections reported from Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Delhi. While more than two crore people have already been infected, more than two lakh twenty six thousand people have lost their lives to it.

Amidst all this gloom, AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria has said that the country may experience a peak in the infections by the middle of the month and by the end of the month there may be a downfall. The country is going through a crisis situation. The number of deaths is breaking records, which is indicating that the situation may not get well in the near future. Dr Guleria has said that India is a big country and the peak will differ from place to place or state to state. Western India is witnessing a slight fall in the numbers after reporting huge cases in the last few days. Looking at the numbers in Maharashtra we can say that the peak has already attained in the state. He also said that Delhi and other nearby states will take some time to peak. This will depend on the steps being taken to contain the spread of the disease.

On the other hand, Assam and West Bengal are showing an increase in the number of infections which is very worrisome. If appropriate steps are taken to contain the pandemic, In dia may see a fall in the numbers by the end of this month. Commenting on the third wave of the Coronavirus, Dr Guleria said that there is a possibility of a third wave and if we try to vaccinate maximum number of people, then it won’t be as dangerous as the second wave.

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