More Than 3000 Incidents of Ceasefire Violations along LOC in Jammu Region This Year: Ministry of Defence

New Delhi: The Ministry of Defence today said that there have been 3186 incidents of Ceasefire Violations along Line of Control in Jammu region in this year (from 01 January to 07 September, 2020).

In addition, 242 incidents of cross-border firing have occurred along Indo-Pak International Border in Jammu region in this year (01 January to 31 August, 2020).

There have been 08 fatal casualties and 02 non-fatal casualties of Army personnel occurred in J&K in this year (till 07 September, 2020). In addition, there have been 05 non-fatal casualties of BSF personnel occurred along International Border and Line of Control in J&K, the Ministry said.

Appropriate retaliation to the ceasefire violations, as required, has been carried out by Indian Army/BSF. In addition, all the cases of ceasefire violations are taken up with Pakistan authorities through the established mechanisms of hotlines, flag meetings, Directorate General of Military Operations talks as well as diplomatic channels between the two countries, it added.

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