Naveen Approves Special Ekamra Kshetra Package for Lingaraj Temple

All acquired lands for Ekamra plan will be recorded in the name of Sri Lingaraj Maha Prabhu and all donors name will be engraved in a plaque in the project area.

Bhubaneswar:  Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today approved the Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy for Ekamra Kshetra amenities and monuments revival action plan.

Under the plan, interventions would be taken up in the Heritage District Area as notified in Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) — 2010 of Bhubaneswar, with the following objectives:

  1. Revive and preserve the heritage value and grandeur of Lingaraj temple and its surroundings.
  2. Enhance the living heritage, continuous traditions and a complete timeline of Kalinga architectural developments through strategic interventions.
  3. Protect and strengthen the linkages between the area’s natural and built heritage assets.
  4. Highlight the experiential value of the place for pilgrims, tourists and residents

As part of this plan, in Phase 1, interventions would be taken up in the core area surrounding Lingaraj Temple and Bindu Sagar. This project area of about more than 65 Acres will be pedestrianized and facilities for pilgrims and tourist will be created. To implement the projects identified in Phase 1, certain land need to be acquired and encroachment are to be removed.

To facilitate same, following Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy is formulated. This policy is project specific and shall be applicable to provide R&R assistance to the affected persons/institutions of the notified projects taken up under this plan.

  1. Residential: All the residential units having clear title of the land would be acquired through direct purchase method prescribed by Government of Odisha.i) Compensation Amount — It shall be paid as per provision of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.ii) Alternative for land compensation as land In lieu of land-There shall be option to provide land Instead et compensation amount having equal market value of the land to be acquired.

Provided that the sizes of the alternative land shall be of standard sizes and compensation of balance land component shall be adjusted In monetary assistance as per guidelines.

IlI. Immediate Assistance-

  1. Relocation Allowance- Allowance of Rs 1,00,000 per family towards expenses of related to transportation and immediate arrangement shall be given.
  2. Rental Assistance -Each family shall be provided with Rs 15.000 per month for a penal of 12 months from the date of acquisition of property.

Iv. Resettlement Allowance –  Every residential unit owner shall be paid with Rs.20,00,000 (Twenty Lakhs) as one-tine resettlement allowance.

  1. Commercial: All the commercial units having clear title of the land would be acquired through Direct Purchase method as prescribed by Government of Odisha.I) Compensation Amount: It shall be paid as per provision of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act. 2013.II) Immediate Assistance:a) Relocation Allowance- Allowance of Rs 100000 per unit towards expenses of related to transportation and immediate arrangement shall be given to the ownerb) Rental Assistance -Assistance of Rs 15,000 and Rs. 20,000 per month shall be provided for shops having oust up area less than or equal to 200 Square feet and more than 200 square led respectively from the date of acquisition of property till handing over of a shop unit.

IlI. Resettlement Scheme-

Option A: Shop unit shat be provided, depending upon availability, at 50% of the offset price (market value). Balance 50% of the shop unit cost shall be subsidized by the State Government.

Option B: Every shop unit will be eligible for allotment of a new shop unit in the market complex (es) to be developed for the purpose on payment of 50% of the offset price

Option C: Shop unit owner shall be provided Mb one-time settlement amount of Rs. 20,00,000 (Twenty Lakhs)

  1. Rehabilitation of Street Vendors: All the project affected street vendors shall be provided with following assistance:I) Listed street vendors shall be provided with one-time rehabilitation assistance of Rs 30,000 in two installmentsII) Street vending plan- Vending plan will be prepared as per provisions of the relevant act and rules. Affected street vendors will be allocated space for carrying out their vending activities.
  2. Assistance for Government offices and Institutions – A committee shall be formed under the chairmanship of Commissioner, Bhubaneswar Municipal Commissioner to finalize the assistance to be provided to public institutions which may have to be relocated for implementation of plan.
  3. Mathas :The Commissioner BMC, in consultation with Collector, Khurda and other stakeholders, will decide the rehabilitation and resettlement scheme for the Mathas including allotment of Land, preservation and conservation activities etc. The RDC, Central Division would be the competent authority to approve the same. The Redevelopment plan of each of the Mathas will indicate the usage of various components/parts/rooms and same shall be put to use.
  4. Other provisionsI) This policy will be implemented by Commissioner, BMC in consultation with Collector, Khurda.II)Commissioner, BMC will take all necessary approvals from Collector, Khurda and other authorities as required by state Government guidelines of Direct Purchase of properties.III)As the acquisition of land and properties for the project are being done on the basis of negotiation. it is hereby provided that Commissioner. BMC in consultation with Collector. Khurda can finalize details of additions and/or changes that may be required from the above said provisions with approval of Revenue Divisional Commissioner. Central Division, Cuttack.IV) Fund for R&R packages shall be placed with Commissioner, BMC

    V) All expenditures to be incurred towards implementation of R&R packages shall be part of EKAMRA Plan scheme.

As the project is targeted to be completed in six months. it is further provided that if the property which is required for acquisition for the project is handed over within 30 days of notification of this policy, then affected persons will also be entitled to additional ten percent incentive on cash benefits being provided under this policy.

All acquired lands for Ekamra plan will be recorded in the name of Sri Lingaraj Maha Prabhu and all donors name will be engraved in a plaque in the project area.

Bhubaneswar, capital city of Odisha, is also known as “Temple City of India”. The city has large number of temples in the Old Town area. This area known as Ekamra Kshetra has temples, heritage ponds and water tanks; which are testimonial to ancient built heritage of Bhubaneswar.

Lingaraj Temple built in 11th century is at heart of the Ekamra Kshetra. Bhubaneswar also is one of the few planned modern cities in post independent India. This juxtaposition of ancient heritage city with modern metropolis is the most unique feature that Bhubaneswar has to offer.

Over the years, because of the pressures of urbanization, Old Town Area has developed congested roads, crowded market-places, polluted wate rbodies, inadequate roadways, infrastructure, parking facilities and haphazard development around the historic structures. This haphazard development and encroachments around the temple in the last decade have led to deterioration of surroundings of Lingaraj and other national and state monuments. This has increased threats to the safety and security of the pilgrims, visitors and residents.

In view of above, Government of Odisha has decided tobring a scheme – Ekamra Kshetra Amenities and Monuments Revival Action Plan— EKAMRA Plan.

Notably, Chief Minister’s Transformation and Initiatives (5T) Secretary VK Pandian had visited the Lingaraj Temple last month to review the developmental works around the temple in Old Town area.

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