Naveen Thanks Healthcare Personnel for 3 Million COVID-19 Test Milestone

Bhubaneswar: As Odisha achieved three million COVID-19 test milestone in its fight against the pandemic, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has thanked the healthcare personnel for the feat.

“It gives me immense pleasure to share that we have reached 3 million COVID19 test milestone. Thank healthcare personnel and all those who are working round the clock to ramp up testing, strengthening Odisha’s fight against the pandemic”, the CM tweeted.

Odisha has crossed the 30-lakh COVID-19 tests milestone on Friday.

As instructed by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, the State has scaled up its testing facilities for the timely detection of the highly contagious virus.

Odisha has tested more than 50,000 samples in the last 24 hours for detection of Coronavirus in the State.

According to the Health and Family Welfare Department, as many as 52,882 COVID-19 tests were conducted at various labs across the State.

The tests include – RTPCR-8275 , Antigen- 44,514 and Truenat- 93 tests.

With this, the total number of COVID tests in the State reached 3009183.

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