Naveen Bats For Fighting Corona Without Lockdown; Calls For Fourteen Days Special Campaign For Wearing Mask To Make It A Habit

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has called for fighting the second wave of Corona not by lockdowns but by strictly wearing mask and making a habit of it. Delivering a message to the people of Odisha, Naveen has said that we had to take many stringent actions during the first wave of the corona infections such as lockdowns and shutdowns for which people had to suffer a lot. It had impacted the livelihoods of the poor people and affected the public life.

Now the second wave of the Covid has come which is more infectious than the first one and many states have started implementing lockdown and shutdowns. But if we obey Covid guidelines and properly wear mask, we can fight Corona without lockdowns.

I will request to the mothers at home to make it sure that whenever the members of your family go out, especially the children, they wear mask. If the mothers are carefully then corona can never enter out homes. While the government is watching outside the home, mothers should keep a watch at home.

For this, we all are going to start a fourteen day Mask wearing campaign from today. If we strictly obey any guideline for fourteen days, it will become a habit for us forever. From today we take a resolution to wear mask properly – not by hanging the mask in the neck but by fully covering the nose and mouth. We will never go out of our homes without mask. Then only we can fight against Corona.

Why for the carelessness of some people all the society will face a situation like lockdown? I have asked the Police and administration to fine those who are going out without wearing masks properly. The government has decided to impose two fold fine on not wearing mask.

Directs Police and Administration to Strictly Implement Mask Wearing; Fine Doubled For Not Wearing Mask

Mask is the most important shield for us now. Those who have not taken the Vaccines, should wear mask, and then only we can fight Corona without lockdowns and overcome the difficulties of lockdowns. If you want your livelihood to continue without being impacted, then you have to wear mask.

We are experiencing ta second wave of Corona, and some countries are also experiencing third wave of Corona. Nobody knows how many waves will be there. If we bring a small change in our lifestyle and make the mask our friend, then we scan surely be safe without lockdown. Your Cooperation will only make us victorious in this fight against Corona.

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