The First Case of Covid-19 In Odisha And The Challenges Thereafter

Bhubaneswar: On this day of March 15th 2020, Odisha registered its first case of Coronavirus as a young guy returning from Milan was tested positive for the contagious disease. A resident of Bhubaneswar, Debasish Srichandan had returned to Odisha in the first week of March and few days later showed symptoms of Covid-19 and was admitted to the Capital Hospital. On March 15th, his test report came positive and he become the first Covid-19 patient in Odisha.

Today, exactly after one year, everything has changed for him, for the state and for the Country. While Debasish is eagerly waiting to return to Italy to continue his studies, the state has managed to control the pandemic. Odisha has registered about three lakh 35 thousand Covid-19 patients and of whom only about 560 active cases are remaining till date. The pandemic took the lives of about 1900 people in Odisha. The proactive approach of the state government and active cooperation of the citizens, helped contain the pandemic and save numerous lives. Odisha remained the best state in keeping the Covid-19 under control and in terms of minimum infection percentage and number of deaths.

What followed thereafter was a series of steps that were never seen before. Odisha imposed lockdown and restricted the movement of people. Odisha became the first state in the country to impose lockdown to contain the spread of the disease. Tagging the pandemic as a State Disaster, Odisha government under the leadership of Naveen Patnaik took some important initiatives which later became the benchmark for the country. Two largest dedicated Covid-19 hospitals were west up in a record time. Temporary medical camps were set up in every Panchayat of the state.

Odisha’s multipronged approach to fight the pandemic included timely preparedness and strict control measures. With senior officials venturing onto the ground zero as part of the strategy, the government ensured that the common people face the minimum difficulties. The district administrations were directed for strict surveillance, testing and treatment measures. Healthcare measures were coordinated on a war footing.

After one year of stringent measures and initiatives, Odisha today has the least number of new infections at about less than 100 per day. But the government has not yet satisfied with this. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has urged the people of the state to stay alert as the pandemic is still rising in some of the states. While the fight continues, people today are happy that there is a government that cares.

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